Community Shows
Participating Artists Agreement
Participating Artist / Scarab
Ownership of the Art
· You agree that the art you are submitting is your own work, you own all rights to the art, and you take full responsibility for the content of all art.
· Scarab has no ownership interest in art shown in the Scarab Gallery. The artwork remains the property of the artist.
· You grant Scarab Creative Arts the right to reproduce your image on our website, on social media, and where appropriate to help promote the exhibition and archive the exhibition afterwards.
· Should a buyer request the piece(s) are shipped after the show, the artist is responsible for packaging and shipping the piece(s). Buyers will be advised shipping is available, cost to be determined.
· Art will remain in the gallery throughout the duration of the show.
· Unframed canvases should be painted around the outside edge of the canvas.
· The agreement entered into between gallery owners and the Fresno Arts Council specifies division of responsibilities regarding insurance.
· Scarab Creative Arts does not provide insurance for art exhibited in the gallery and assumes no responsibility for loss incurred due to theft, fire, water, vandalism, or any other natural or man-made occurrence.
Artist/Gallery Commission for Work Sold Out of the Gallery:
No entry fee paid by artist: 70% Artist / 30% Gallery
Entry fee paid by artist: 80% Artist/20% Gallery
By submitting art for display in our gallery, the artists agrees to
the terms of our legal agreement
the terms of our commission schedule.
Thank you for contributing to
the success of this exhibition!