Our church family is invited to the opening reception of David Jon Christensen's photography in the Scarab Creative Arts Gallery on Thursday, September 1st from 5 to 8 p.m. The reception will be held in conjunction with Fresno's Downtown Arthop event held the first Thursday of each month. Scarab is located at 729 East Divisadero, at the corner of Broadway and Divisadero.
David Jon is an internationally known and sought after photographer. A recent addition to his list of impressive accolades was his work photographing a celebrity wedding featured in Vogue Magazine.
Scarab Creative Arts is a new shared space art studio, gift shop, art gallery, and arts education center that was launched by Maggie Boyajian Courtis in 2021. Classes in a variety of media are available for adults and children. Artist members include Arpi Keledjian and Grace Chavoor.